As part of my Graphic Design Specialization at the California Institute of the Arts, I developed a comprehensive mobile application for a food delivery service. My project involved designing three distinct user interface alternatives, each tailored to cater to different user profiles. This included extensive research and persona development to ensure that the designs met the unique needs and preferences of diverse user groups. The final product demonstrated my ability to create user-centered designs that are not only visually appealing but also highly functional and intuitive.​​​​​​​
To meet the needs and expectations of the three User Personas, the Food Delivery app’s interface should incorporate the following features and attributes:
Persona 1 (Busy Student): The interface should prioritize simplicity, with a clear and intuitive design that makes navigation easy. It should ensure speed, with a quick and uncomplicated ordering process. Affordability is key, so there should be filtering options to find deals and budget-friendly menus. Accessibility features will help Juan quickly access menu options and recent orders. Notifications should provide real-time updates on order status, while personalization can offer recommendations based on previous orders.
Persona 2 (Professional with Family): The interface needs to be well-organized, with clearly categorized menus to make it easier to find family-friendly meals. Variety is essential, offering menu options that cater to different tastes and dietary needs. There should be clear information on portion sizes and child-friendly options. The app should allow for easy ordering of large and customizable meals, with a user-friendly design that facilitates selecting meals for the entire family. Additionally, saving options for recurring or favorite orders would be beneficial.
Persona 3 (High-Ranking Executive): The design should exude elegance, with a sophisticated and modern look that is visually appealing. It should offer exclusivity with access to gourmet food options and special menus. Personalization features are important for customizing orders and adding special requests. The app should showcase high-quality presentation, with detailed descriptions and images of the dishes. It should also provide event management functionalities for ordering for large gatherings or business meetings, and ensure speed and efficiency with precise delivery times.
Common Features: Across all user types, the app should have responsiveness, adapting to various screen sizes (mobile and tablet). Interactivity with engaging elements (such as sliders and large buttons) will enhance the user experience. Security is crucial to protect user information and transactions. Lastly, the overall aesthetic appeal should be visually attractive and align with the brand, ensuring a pleasant user experience.

Based on these insights, 3 types of UI were developed that could meet these specific characteristics for each user. It must be remembered that this work was part of the Specialization in Graphic Design,so unlike the other projects in my portfolio, for this one it was not necessary to validate these prototypes.

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