Unlike all the projects in my portfolio, this section shows projects that my students carried out and that I was a tutor from start to finish.
Project 1: Design of an accessible banking app 
By Melisa Sánchez
This App tries to comply with the 10 usability heuristics; a UX analysis was conducted to gain greater context and create a more robust and well-founded design. The process began with benchmarking three different banking applications: BBVA, recognized for having the best mobile banking app in Europe for Android and iOS; Nu, selected for its outstanding accessibility and favored by Paris Baltazar a key user and visually impaired individual working at Wizeline; and Santander, the application chosen for redesign. During this benchmarking process, insights were generated based on three different scenarios within the applications: saving a contact, making a transfer, and searching for branches and ATMs. The goal was to evaluate usability and efficiency in saving a new contact, usability and security in making a transfer, as well as functionality and accessibility in searching for branches/ATMs.
An evaluation of the colors and contrast levels was carried out according to the standards
accessibility, ensuring that at least level AA is met and, where possible, use level AAA. This evaluation was carried out using the colors provided in Santander's basic branding guide, which establishes the design guidelines and official brand colors.
Figma prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/msc8zzh632BGzyZWPV4WNm/Wireframes-Tesina?node-id=187-3177&t=dvWuOSmFnnrGiUBc-1&starting-point-node-id=179%3A2897

Project 2: NaviBot
By Charlote Janice, Andrés Arriaga & David Sánchez
Navibot is a hospital robot equipped with a user-friendly interface that assists patients in locating various departments and services within a hospital. Usability testing provided valuable insights into user needs, enhancing the overall experience of both using this SaaS and navigating the hospital environment.

Project 3: Hospital app
By Emilia González
This project focuses on designing an interface for hospital screens accessible to both doctors and bedridden patients. Users can record patient information such as identification data (name, age, weight, height, blood type, sex including gender identity and pronouns, allergies, etc.) and medical history (diagnoses, symptoms, and treatments).

Additionally, patients can access this information, which can be simplified with the help of artificial intelligence to ensure that patients and their families understand the illness, symptoms, and treatments. The device also enables patients to contact a nurse for assistance, access videos, audiobooks, or make calls to family members.

Being bedridden does not necessarily mean a patient cannot move at all; depending on their condition, patients may have some freedom of movement. Therefore, the screen or tablet will be positioned on a robotic arm that can be adjusted according to the patient's needs. This ensures the screen is at a comfortable viewing height and, if there are limitations in arm and hand movement, the patient can use voice commands to interact with the device.
Prototipo Figma: https://www.figma.com/proto/OxXUWBaak8lWmzOKi7xopw/Robot-M%C3%A9dico-(wireframe)?type=design&node-id=4120-502&t=137oDPI81AUlBr0R-1&scaling=scale-down&page-id=4120%253A501&starting-point-node-id=4120%253A502

Project 4: COHealth
By Andrea Yalibath y Santiago Mercado

Project 5: VITA
By Gracia Altamirano
Wearable design for accompaniment and bullfighting monitoring of chronic diseases from a perspective of User-centered design.

Figma prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/ZT4EMrBXePwSgW97x2Exz2/VITA-APP?node-id=131-4758&t=wf1oGJ6GT73sa0pN-1

Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rYJ4MSnUDcZUnlbo_hEovfgcWaFIH-fG/view

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