Personally, I have a strong passion for CrossFit, and like with many activities, I noticed several areas where improvements could be made. One significant gap I identified was the need for more effective data recording on sports activities. To address this, I conducted a comprehensive survey to better understand the specific needs and preferences of CrossFit users.
This project evolved into my final assignment for the User Experience and Research Design Specialization at the University of Michigan. The result was the development of a specialized app for the Apple Watch, designed to cater specifically to the needs of CrossFit enthusiasts. The app was crafted based on thorough user analysis, ensuring it effectively addressed the unique requirements and challenges faced by CrossFit practitioners.
Throughout the project, every phase was meticulously managed and documented using Notion. This platform facilitated detailed tracking of the design process, from initial research and user feedback to iterative design and final implementation. By leveraging Notion, I ensured that all aspects of the project were organized and accessible, allowing for a comprehensive and cohesive development process.

1. The Problem
There are native fitness app trackers for different types of exercises such as swimming, running and other sports. There is no one for CrossFit because it is made up of a mixture of different exercises; and so far there is no app that is dedicated to measuring AMRAP and EMOM exercises during Crossfit exercises.
To develop this Apple Watch app, I followed a comprehensive 5-step process, ensuring that every aspect of the user experience was thoughtfully considered and optimized for CrossFit athletes:
1) Evaluate the Current Situation: The first step involved thoroughly assessing the existing landscape of fitness apps, particularly those designed for CrossFit and other high-intensity training programs. This evaluation included analyzing competitor apps, identifying gaps in functionality, and understanding common pain points faced by users. By examining the strengths and weaknesses of existing solutions, I was able to identify key opportunities for innovation and improvement.
2) Understand the User's Needs Before, During, and After Training: In this step, I conducted in-depth user research to gain a holistic understanding of the athlete's journey. This included identifying the needs and challenges users face before training (e.g., planning workouts, setting goals), during training (e.g., tracking progress, receiving real-time feedback), and after training (e.g., reviewing performance, recovery). I employed various research methods such as surveys, interviews, and observational studies to ensure that the app would meet the specific needs of CrossFit athletes at every stage of their fitness journey.
3) Define the Value Proposition and Emotional Value During Training: Once I had a clear understanding of user needs, I focused on defining the app's value proposition. This step involved articulating the unique benefits that the app would offer, not just in terms of functionality, but also in terms of emotional engagement. The goal was to create an app that not only helps users achieve their fitness goals but also fosters a sense of motivation, achievement, and connection during training sessions. Emotional value was a key consideration, as the app needed to resonate with users on a personal level, making their training experience more rewarding and fulfilling.
4) Differentiate the Mobile UX Strategy: With the value proposition in place, I then worked on differentiating the mobile user experience (UX) strategy. This involved creating a design that stood out from other fitness apps by offering a more intuitive, user-friendly interface tailored specifically for the Apple Watch. The strategy focused on seamless integration with the Apple Watch's unique features, such as its compact screen and health tracking capabilities, ensuring that the app would provide a superior and distinctive user experience. The UX strategy also emphasized ease of use during intense workouts, where quick interactions and clear visual feedback are crucial.
5) Outline, Revise, and Refine: The final step was an iterative process of outlining the app's structure, revising the design based on user feedback, and refining the functionality to ensure optimal performance. This phase involved creating wireframes and prototypes, conducting usability tests, and continuously improving the app's design and features. The goal was to achieve a polished, high-quality product that meets the needs of CrossFit athletes and provides a seamless experience on the Apple Watch. Each revision was guided by user feedback and testing results, ensuring that the final product was both effective and user-centric.

To create a solid foundation for the research, I started with 6 objectives (shown in the table below)

2. Insights

2nd user: Angel Celis
To formally establish the needs, I spoke to people who train CrossFit and track their activities with their watches. And I made a small storyboard of the key moments.

3. Solutions
The microusability test was made to test the hypothesis that the possible App designed would serve to meet the needs and that users could use it while training. This using a LoFi prototype.

4. Validating

LoFi Prototype for Heuristic Evaluation
User Test Plan

The test is designed to validate the main purpose of the project which is: “Designing an easy to use app for specific Crossfit training techniques to archive a better activity measuring while keeping in mind factors like time notification and count of laps”. In this test I designed a Figma Lo-Fi prototype embedded in a Maze project for the heuristic usability testing.

Users will be instructed to do two activities:set up a AMRAP wod and Customize time on a EMOM wod.

Consent Form:

I agree to participate in the study of designing an easy to use app for Crossfitters.
I consent to the recording of this test. This recording will be used for research and product improvements only. I understand that participation in this usability study is voluntary and I agree to immediately raise any concerns or areas of discomfort during the session with the study administrator. Please sign below to indicate that you have read, and you understand the information on this form and that any questions you might have about the session have been answered. 

User Test Script

Thank you so much for accepting performing this test. The purpose today’s test we are going to test an Apple's Watch App for specific Crossfit Trainings. We are going to try six scenarios:

Scenario 1: Applies only for users who use a watch to track fitness activite: "
Why do you use an app when doing Crossfit?".

Scenario 2:
What elements or features do you measure or track?.

Scenario 3: Prototype activitie: 
Imagine you are going to start a Wod (EMOM): Get your app ready to track your activity.

Scenario 4: Prototype activitie: This is a prototype for an app. Imagine you are going to start a Wod (AMRAP): Get your app ready to track your activity

Scenario 5: Question in levels from 1 (hard) to 6 (easy) using emoticons: How easy was to use it?

Scenario 6: The features on the app were enough or what would you add?

Findings & Recomendations
Summary Results  

From doing the usability test of the app, I looked for issues during the execution of the tasks.  Only one of the eight participants couldn´t perform one of two tasks because intensionally clicked on another places but the prototype didn't had a "go back" button. All the participants liked the app, they think that the design of the app is simple and easy to use, but they would like to add new features.  

Key Findings  

Finding #1: 
They realized they could adjust activity time and rest time. But they didn't know if the app was going to notify them when the change occurred.
Severity: 3/4

Recommendation: They need something on the interface that tells them that the app will ring and vibrate even if they can't hear the sound.

Finding #2: 

They understood that in the end it showed how many calories they burned and how much time they did. But they didn't know what was happening with that information.
Severity: 3/4

Recommendation: They need to know that it will be linked to a mobile App (to be designed) where daily progress will be stored and displayed.

Finding #3: 

Calorie information is useful but Appl's "Functional Tranning" already does it. It is certainly an improvement to be able to put a timer on an EMOM is useful, and being able to count the number of Reps is useful only when a large number must be counted in the WOD. But it would make a bigger difference to be able to record weight and exercise time to measure personal progress.
Severity: 3/4

Recommendation: In the mobile App add a section with all the names of the CrossFit exercises, where users can enter the date and weight they lifted, in order to have a history of their progress over time.

Hi-Fi prototype

5. UI
6. Takeaways
The proposal effectively addresses the specific needs of CrossFit athletes by incorporating measurements and features that current apps do not provide. This includes innovative tracking metrics and functionalities tailored to the unique demands of CrossFit training. These enhancements allow for a more comprehensive and detailed record of workouts, which is crucial for optimizing performance and monitoring progress in ways that existing solutions fall short.

However, to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of these new features, it is essential to develop and launch a functional prototype within a smartwatch. This prototype will enable real-world testing and gather valuable feedback from actual users. By deploying the app in a practical, wearable format, we can obtain insights into its usability, performance, and overall effectiveness in a live training environment.

This iterative approach will help refine the app based on user interactions and feedback, ensuring that it meets the high standards required for CrossFit athletes. The goal is to continuously improve the app's functionality and user experience, ultimately providing a tool that significantly enhances their training regimen and data tracking capabilities.

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